Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oh What a Day.....

A very stressful day that is.

May I just say I am so exhausted. I am overwhelmed.

Today has just been so stressful so I'm going to talk about it just like I promised.

So it's not like today was a bad day but it was just stressful.  Okay so here's why. My school schedule is like college you have four classes one half of the year and once that semester is over you take another four classes. Well today was the start of a new semester and I am up to my eyeballs in work already! It's like the first day of school all over again. My schedule first semester this year was a breeze. I had Biology, P.E., Cosmetology, and Spanish 4. All pretty fun and simple. But now I have Algebra II, English 10 Honors,  Spanish AP and World History II.... Ahhhh!

So I get my schedule in homeroom and see that I have one of my good friends in my first two blocks and my favorite teacher that I've ever had for history and Spanish 4 was pretty easy so how bad could AP be? So I thought to myself, "Oh never mind this shouldn't be so bad"....oh man how I was wrong.

I get in my first block, Algebra II, and I can barely even understand anything my teacher says! And no this is not because I'm bad at math or anything, this is because my teacher has thee strongest Asian accent ever! I might have fun with my friend Steph in this class but as far as passing the class goes I'm not too sure yet due to my lack of translation abilities unless it's spanish.

So then I walk to my next class, English 10 Honors, and realize my best friend from school, Courtney, is in that class and a bunch of other friends too including Steph so I was pretty happy. Well until the class started that is. We get in and right away got assigned seats and I'm by these people I barely know! Then she passes out like ten ginormous packets for us to read, then our first assignment which is a paper due Monday, then we copy all these vocabulary words that we have a quiz on Friday for. As we read she lost me at the fact we have to read like ten huge boring books and write ten huge boring papers on them. Unless its the Bible or some kind of Christian oriented book I absolutely hate reading. Also unless its writing like a blog about anything I want it to be about, I hate writing. So why I took Honors? haha don't ask because I really have no idea. Next year I'll stick to regular and maybe a creative writing class would be for me? Well, its only the first day so I'm just praying that this class will be a little easier than it seems it will be.

Then third block, Spanish AP. Oh my goodness. I was not expecting this at all. My Spanish four class was so fun and pretty easy! I have the same teacher and everything! But man she really piled it on us today. I don't know when I'm going to find time to do all this stuff! I have a life outside of your class Miss Crocker!!!! Ugh. Teachers don't even know. She wants us to watch 2 hours of spanish TV a week and write about them and all. Also we have a huge test on four different new things we learned today and I don't even know where to start with studying. It's just too much information to stuff in my head at one time. I can't take it I just want to scream! On the upside though my friends in that class are pretty cool and I get to eat lunch with those people too so thats good! right? I'm trying to stay positive because hey its only the first day it should get a lot better...right? I really hope so.

Okay now for fourth block, World History II. So I am completely awful at history unless I have a good teacher. I had thee greatest teacher ever last year and I was praying I'd get her again and I did! I love Miss Patrick. She teaches so well. You see I'm thee worst studier ever. I'm easily distracted and it just ends with me either staring at the paper, talking to somebody, or getting on the computer. Well, Miss Patrick makes you write tons and tons and tons of notes, basically until you feel like your hands will fall off. I don't care if my hands fall off! This note taking makes it so I don't even have to study, I aced every one of her test last year just by taking notes and doing her required study guide. She is the best. I always just barely passed my history classes until her. She's my hope for this semester. That class on the other hand though I barely know anyone. So fun class? nope. Will I pass? most definitely which totally makes up for it being boring.

In conclusion all I have to say is, I absolutely can not wait until Spring Break! Better yet Summer Break! I just want out now!


  1. faith, you are seriously really good at writing! i am so glad you are doing this! i waited around all day, checking every few hours to see if you had posted something! and finally, you posted something :) haha.

    anyway, i am sorry to hear about your classes. you are taking tough classes, but the good news is YOU WILL GET THROUGH IT. i promise.

    so you have mrs. koval? yeah... she is pretty hard to understand at first. BUT she is super nice (even though she seems mean at first, it is really just a front to scare people off). you will most definitely pass that class. all you have to do is do your homework and take notes in class :)

    and who is your english honors teacher?

    p.s.- sorry for writing a blog size response to your blog :D

  2. hahaha i love you Hopey.

    And Mrs. Oliver. She's pregnant again so she probably won't be much of a teacher.

  3. oh man. well that will be interesting... hahaha.

    i love you!
