Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 07: My Best Friend

Camille Rosa May Wead... :)


I don't even know where to start.


The Weads started coming to our church when me and Camille were about seven or eight I think. Her parents had invited all the pastors and their families over for a party and my dad was the youth pastor at the time so I went. They had a moon bounce in their back yard for the party and I went on it with Camille and I instantly loved her.

I was drawn to that big smile that's always on her face, her obnoxious self, being loud all the time, and always having something to say. She never said anything negative and she always seemed excited about everything. Quiet, shy little me was cracked right out of my shell with her when I first met her. I talked to her about everything on the moon bounce that day. We were friends then but not best friends quite yet.

I had a best friend name Virginia at the time and we were kind of exclusive. Me and Camille hung out a lot after that day though. Camille grew on Virginia eventually too and we were like The Three Musketeers. Inseparable best buddy's. We hung out, watched movies, played house, played card games, played outside, and talked about boys a lot too. Just your typical third grade girl best friends.

 It wasn't until fifth grade that Camille and I had more than just a shallow relationship. I was the youth pastor's daughter and she was a youth leader's daughter and there is this thing for the youth called Fine Arts Festival and it was in Denver, Colorado that year. So even though we weren't old enough to participate we went with our families anyway. They had really powerful services every night and one night they talked about the Holy Spirit. When they called every body up to the altar Camille and I went up and got baptized in the Holy Spirit together. I had never experienced anything so powerful and had never felt so good and happy in my life. Ever since that day she has been my best friend.


I lost so many friends in the past two years but Camille has never left my side. It's so hard to find a good best girl friend because girls are mean and always feel threatened but me and Camille we always are encouraging each other. We love to worship together. I got the honor of leading worship for my first time with her. We are always trying to include others together.We get together pretty much every weekend just to catch up. She's so beautiful. We can talk and talk for hours. When we get together we don't even do anything we just enjoy each others company. We have thee funniest miscommunications ever (I can't even tell you what they are because they reveal embarrassing things about us both but mostly her). She can't keep a secret unless its really important. She hates most boys. She's obsessed with weddings. She's an awesome singer and dancer. She likes upbeat music. We both like to dance crazy. We never fight. Were both super competitive so you don't want to play card games with us unless we're on the same team....it gets crazy. We are complete opposites. We are so goofy, all the time. The same things bother us. She can read my mind and I can read hers too. We change our love languages for each other's sake, since were so opposite.

I'm a pastor's kid and her dad is Doug Wead (google him and you'll understand this) yet we find a good middle. She takes me to Charity Award Dinners where I meet important politicians, news castors and all and I'll take her to eat all the foods she's never tried before, watch movies, go to amusement parks, and watch movies and TV she's not allowed too. haha.
She says everything on her mind and I don't say anything at all.
She is scared of boys and I'm a huge flirt.
She's a picky eater (well when i met her) and I'll eat everything put in front of me.
She's a blonde and I'm a brunette.
She has green eyes and I have really dark brown.
She's good at makeup and I'm good at hair.
She likes plan and simple and I like craziness.
She's organized and I'm out of control.

Needless to say were just very different.

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Well Camille Rosa May Wead thank you for never leaving my side, helping me make big decisions, understanding me, for being a good listener, being encouraging, loving Jesus, being my better half, sticking with me through thick and thin, letting me cry my eyeballs out or just scream when I need it, teaming up with me to help and befriend other people, making my life less stressful, giving the best advise, talking to me, being so nice to everyone, bringing out the crazy in me, keeping me company when I need some, telling me when I'm wrong, when I need to pig out thanks for making me great junk food, watching sad chick flicks with me, always keeping me accountable with things, being angry when I'm angry, coming to the Sound, being loving to everybody, being my dance partner for life,  for making every birthday the best, reading my mind when I don't want to talk, being so funny and making me laugh all the time....even at the wrong times to laugh, making things that are usually stressful more fun, and thanks for so much more but I'm writing way too much. You are the greatest friend I've ever had. You're awesome. Couldn't ask for any better. :)




  1. I don't think i've ever heard Camille say anything negative to anyone! All i know is, i miss her loudness! lol
