Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 08: a moment

So I have not written a blog in forever. I'm sorry. Life has been completely insane. It seems that I can never get a break. It's spring break this week but I still feel like there is just so much that I have to do but tonight I don't feel like going to bed at all so I plan on writing as many blogs possible in one night so be prepared:)

A moment...hmm...

I can't decide what kind of moment I want to talk about...

a happy moment?

an awkward moment?

a life changing moment?

the greatest moment ever?

a moment of realization?

a sad moment?

I don't know...I think everybody would be most interested in an embarrassing moment. Am I right? haha.

Well here it goes.

So I didn't go to public school until I was in seventh grade. I went to a private school up until fourth grade and then I was home schooled for two years and hated it so public school was my only choice really. I went to this really tiny school called Taylor Middle School. In my school everybody knew everybody so everybody had there groups and what not. Well after sixth grade everybody had their friends and all already so when I came in 7th grade I was "the new girl." I didn't know that many people yet so, so far I was just the quiet new girl. 

I don't get embarrassed very easily due to the fact that my dad's goal everywhere I go is to embarrass me. So I learned at a very young age to laugh off everything. Well my embarrassing moment takes place in gym class. Like I said, my school was very small so we only had two gym classes for the seventh grade. The day of gym that I wasn't there for, they timed the students running across the gym. The next day I came back to gym I had to make this up. So while I got timed everybody sat on the bleachers and watched. Two things you should know if you don't know them already: I hate being the center of attention with many eyes on me and only me all at once and to make that even worse I never fail to fail when under a lot of pressure. haha. Both of these things were going on in this moment and it was all just too much for me to take. So me trying to prove myself ran as fast as I possibly could across that gym..well about half that gym. Lets just say I didn't have the best traction on my shoes and fell on my butt in front of half of my seventh grade class in which only about three of them actually really knew me. It was awful and humiliating. Luckily I'm able to laugh things off with friends, all of the three of them that I had there, when I got up. It was quite the embarrassing moment. But hey, at least I wasn't just the quiet, new girl anymore.... right? Hahaha oh well, if anything this is a very funny memory.

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